2017 年浙江“专升本”考试英语真题详细解析
Part I Reading comprehension (60 marks, 60 minutes) Section A (每小题 2 分)
Format I
Passage One
1.【答案】D。解析:细节题。根据第一段喝咖啡可以 prevent skin caner, reduce heart failure, liver health.运用排除法所以选 D:improving eyesight。提高视力不是喝咖啡的好处。
2.【答案】C。解析:细节题根据第二段第二行 people who drink two or four cups of coffee each d ay are less likely to commit suicide 可知每天喝两四杯咖啡的人自杀的可能性较小,所以选 C。
3.【答案】C。解析:细节题。根据第三段倒数第二行 the drug may... happy hormones 可知,这种药物通过调节快乐激素的水平,实际上可以起到轻度抗抑郁的作用,故答案选 C。
4.【答案】B。解析:细节题。根据倒数第二段倒数第二行 coffee's well known negative effects like insomnia and disturbed sleep cycles still hold 喝咖啡的负面效果包括失眠和打乱睡眠规律,所以选 B:disturb sleep。
5.【答案】A。解析:态度观点题。通读全文可知都在讲喝咖啡的好处,只有最后提了下喝咖啡 的缺点,但整体的态度是肯定的。选 A:positive。Hostile 敌对的 indifferent 漠不关心的,无关紧要的 tough 难的。
Passage Two
6.【 答 案 】 C 。 解 析 : 根 据 文 章 第 一 句 话 Polar bears are classified as marine mammal…,which might come as a surprise given that they're usually pictured on land.Given 在这里表示一种已知条件。通常北极熊都在陆地上被拍到。这样一来,北极熊被列为海洋哺乳动物就很奇怪了。 所以选 C:polar bears are usually seen on land。
7.【答案】B。解析:(与北极熊比较)带爪子的动物(也就是长脚的动物)中没有更好的游泳者了,说明北极熊在带爪的动物中是游泳健将了。所以选 B:Polar bears swim better than other animals with paws。
8.【答案】D。解析:第二段主要讲了北冰洋的冰雪正在融化,北极熊的栖息地受到威胁。所以 在讲气候变暖对北极熊的影响。所以选 D. effects of warming on polar bears.
9.【答案】A。解析:underscore,在……处划下划线,意表强调,选 A:emphasizes。Denies 否认拒绝 understand 理解 accept 接受。
10.【答案】C。解析:根据最后一段第二行 using radio collars that could track the movements of the animals 可知,选 C:Radio collars。
Passage Three
11.【答案】C。解析:细节题。根据文章第二段第一句 the Underground Railroad ... slaves from the south 可知 the Underground Railroad 是一个秘密组织,专门帮助南方逃跑的奴隶,故选 C。
12.【答案】B。解析:细节题。根据第二段最后一句 Laws... recapture escaped slaves and bring them back to bondage in the South 可知选 B 可能被奴隶主重新抓获。
13.【答案】C。解析:细节题。根据第二段第四行 it actually began during the colonial period 可知是在殖民地时期,故选 C。
14.【答案】D。解析:根据文章最后一段第二三句 Over time, the backbone of this ...essential to the successful operation of the Underground Railroad 可知对于地下铁路这个组织,它的成功运行依赖北部的自由黑人,故选 D。
15.【答案】A。解析:文章基调题。本篇文章是对一个地下秘密组织 Underground Railroad 的介绍,语气客观,未参加任何感情色彩。选 A;objective 客观的 delightful 令人愉快的 pessimistic 悲观的 humorous 幽默的。
Passage Four
16.【答案】D。解析:细节题。定位文章第二段最后一句 this past semester,I caught quiet a few of my students at Cal State Northridge engaging in academic dishonesty 可知本文作者是教授。
17【. 答案】B。解析:细节推断题。定位文章第三段 the first is the trend of packing as many students
as possible into course sections as a means of saving money. 给出了学生学术造假的原因,其一就是为了节约成本所以把很多学生放入一个班级,所以选 B class sizes are too large 班级太大。
18.【答案】C。解析:定位文章第五段第二句,the primary motive for the increase in online courses is that they do not require physical classroom space。所以选 C.网络课堂不需要实体教室。
19.【答案】D。解析:定位倒数第二段第二行 as a result, one can never be sure that the students are doing their own...take their exams for them.可知学生有可能找人替考,所以选 D。
20.【答案】A。解析:通读全篇可知,作者认为网络课程是学生学术造假的一个原因,所以很显然态度是否定的,选 A negative 否定的 friendly 有好的 neutral 中立的 supportive 支持的Format II
21【. 答案】C。解析:根据上一句给应聘者的建议 think of concrete examples you can use to highlight
your skills 要利用具体实例强调你的技能。所以紧接着连接 C Providing examples of your successes is a great way to promote your opportunity,提供你成功的实例是提升你机会的好方法
22.【答案】F。解析:根据上一句建议应聘者在公文包里放好简历可知这里应该填 F:include a pen and paper for note taking 带笔和纸,为了做笔记。
23.【答案】D。解析:根据前一句可知,面试者要准时,所以紧接着应填 D,on time means five to ten minutes early 准时意味着早到 5-10 分钟。
24.【答案】A。解析:根据下文整段内容可知选 A Stay Calm。做小标题第一个字母要大写, A stay calm 保持冷静是后文整段的概括
25.【答案】B。解析:小标题就点明大意了,答案从中就可以找到,介绍了面试结束后该做的事情,选 B:Always follow up with a thank-you note restating your interest in the position.面试结束后给面试官写封感谢信,并重申对该职位的兴趣.
Section B (每小题 1 分)
26.【答案】C。解析:考查形容词修饰名词 mountains,选 C majestic 宏伟的
27.【答案】M。解析:考查动词用法,选 M,当他们路过一座小桥的时候 pass 路过
28.【答案】F。解析:考查介词搭配,just in time,刚好及时。前边提到小车遇到障碍物颠簸了一下,结果 Jonathan 的毛绒玩具飞出了窗外,刚好掉到了桥下顺流而下的小船上。
29.【答案】I。解析:划船的 Carlos 把毛绒玩具检起来,抬头看看,毛绒玩具打哪来。选 I,where
30.【答案】N。解析:考查连词,表转折,看到一个小男孩站在桥上但是却不能逆流而上,所以此处逻辑关系是转折 but.
31.【答案】E。解析:这里意思是 Carlos 要这个玩具也没有用,所以他就把它扔到了岸边,选 E: riverbank,河岸。
32.【答案】A。解析:过的老鹰看见了毛绒玩具,很像老鼠,对于老鹰来说,老鼠应用 tasty 美味的,好吃的来形容,所以选 A.
33.【答案】D。解析:考查动词用法,老鹰很快意识到这个不能吃,所以选 D realized 意识到
34.【答案】L。解析:由前文可知,老鹰把毛级玩具扔到了 walking path,小路上,所以这里应该是这家人沿着这条小路徒步旅行,小主人公才会碰巧再找到他的毛绒玩具,选 L;path 路
35.【答案】J。解析:小主人公看到他的玩具应该非常惊讶,应该说:“你怎么会在这里?”所 以应填 J:here。
Part II Integrated Testing Section A (每小题 1 分)
36.【答案】B。解析:作者高中毕业,应该是家中两个小孩中的长者,所以这里选 kids。
37.【答案】A。解析:当时作者的心里一直向往着独立的生活,所以这里应该是准备好为自己的生活负责。Be ready to,准备好、乐意做某事。
38.【答案】C。解析:在被大学录取时,作者还在对于未来的大学新生活感到兴奋不已,所以选 C:excited amazed 惊奇的 shocked 惊讶的 disappointed 不满的
39.【答案】A。解析:根据后文 prepare to leave 可知这里应该是打包行李,所以选 A:pack。 Sell 卖 pull 推 wash 洗
40.【答案】D。解析:我意识到我将离家非常远时,我哭了。选 D,cried dream 做梦 beam 射出,发光 shout 大喊
41.【答案】C。解析:everything 与 everybody 并列,表示我所熟悉的任何人和事。
42.【答案】B。解析:我将离开我成长的小城。选 B:grown up pass by 路过 come across 偶遇 drop off 减少
43【. 答案】D。解析:在到大学的前几天,我觉得我会坚持不下去。选 D,days seconds 秒 years
年 minutes 分钟
44.【答案】B。解析:跟大家打了电话之后,我拿起一本心灵鸡汤去图书馆。选 B:after
45.【答案】A。解析:固定搭配,cheer up 使振奋
46.【答案】B。解析:心灵鸡汤的故事曾经能够使我振作,我希望现在也能,所以选 B:can
47.【答案】D。解析:我遇到一位女生,她看到我的那本心灵鸡汤,说她也有一本。所以选 D; saw Read 读 bought=buy 买 wrote=write 写
50.【答案】D。解析:固定搭配 before we know it,不知不觉。不知不觉,许多女生围在我们身边。
52.【答案】D。解析:固定搭配,那些女生爱这本书,和我们一样。As we did,选 D;did notice
通知,布告 hope 希望 hate 恨,讨厌
53.【答案】B。解析:眼泪从脸上掉落,fall down。 Turn down 减小,调低 run into 遭遇,撞上 go through 通过
54.【答案】C。解析:我仍然想家,miss home
55.【答案】B。解析:大学里的人都很友好,kind。Miserable 悲惨的,痛苦的
Section B (每小题 2 分)
56.【答案】on land。解析:定位到第一段第三行 tortoises live exclusively on land 可知答案
57.【答案】a hard shell。解析:定位第一段第三四行 the main form of protection from the outside world is a hard shell 可知答案。
58【. 答案】perseverance in the natural world。解析:定位第一段最后一句 are symbols of perseverance
in the natural world 可知答案。
59.【答案】medicine。解析:定位第二段第四五行…used as pets or traditional medicine 可知答案。
60.【答案】Humans/Human beings。解析:根据第四段第一二行 humans are the problem 可知答案。
Part III Translation(每小题 3 分)
Section A From Chinese to English
61.【答案】until he knows the truth。解析:考查 not.…until 的用法。
62.【答案】If I had not fallen ill yesterday。解析:考查虚拟语气的用法。
63.【答案】the classroom where we often have English class。解析:考查定语从句的写法。
64【. 答案】looks green instead of blue/rather than blue。解析:考查短语“而不是”的表达法。Instead
of/rather than
65.【答案】Do not leave the book behind。解析:考查短语”落下”的表达法。
Section B From English to Chinese
Part IV Writing (30 marks, 30 minutes) One possible student version:
Why is online shopping so popular?
The last decade has witnessed the tremendous development of the Internet, which has been provoking various online activities. Online shopping, as a consequence, has become a fashion nowadays and has attracted a large number of people.
It is obvious that online shopping has many advantages over traditional shopping. Not only does it offer convenient service, it also has low price. However, we can’t turn a blind eye to the problems of it. First, the quality of the products, in many cases, seems not as superior as it is promised. Besides, according to many customers, it is very inconvenient to change products when they find them unsatisfied.
From what has been stated above, we can draw the conclusion that effective measures must be taken to create a more harmonious and convenient online shopping environment. From my point of view, on the one hand, product quality supervising authorities and the related institutions are supposed to ensure the quality of the products in the online shopping. On the other hand, customers should be careful when shopping online. With the measures taken, I firmly believe that a better and more harmonious online shopping environment is around the corner and waiting for us.
